Team - Ball of Duty
Winter Tuesday 7v7 Coed Soccer 2 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
The Flamingoals 550031415271.000
Pirates FC 531120121080.600
Shockwave 531121161050.600
Ball of Duty 52121413810.400
Cobra Kai 522111137-20.400
Shake and Bake 51408163-80.200
Aguaholics 51409243-150.200
Calblue-Trivalley 50417231-160.000
Ball of Duty's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mar-ene 21   The Flamingoals 5 - 1 Ball of Duty Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ene 28   Ball of Duty 5 - 2 Pirates FC Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-feb 4   Ball of Duty  v  Game Cancelled Result Pending TBD Regular 
mar-feb 11   Calblue-Trivalley 2 - 2 Ball of Duty Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-feb 18   Shockwave 3 - 3 Ball of Duty Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-feb 25   Shake and Bake 1 - 3 Ball of Duty Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-mar 4   Ball of Duty  v  Aguaholics 9:30 PM Field 2B Regular 
mar-mar 11   Ball of Duty  v  The Flamingoals 9:30 PM Field 2A Regular 
mar-mar 18   Ball of Duty  v  Cobra Kai 7:30 PM Field 2B Regular