Games on Sunday, March 2, 2025

No Games Scheduled For Today

Thursday, August 10, 2017 10:52:31 PM For any questions about the league please contact our League Coordinator Evelio. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 408-644-8543.
Monday, June 19, 2017 9:50:37 PM

Men’s Flag Football Rules

The game shall be played between 2 teams of 6 players each. 5 players are required to start the game and avoid a forfeit. This league is full contact blocking flag football where everyone is eligible.

Team Rosters

Teams may carry up to 14 players on their roster. Rosters are set after the 6th game of the season. It is the captain’s responsibility to make sure the roster has all the players listed. Breaking the roster rules can result in a game forfeit.

Coin Toss

At the coin toss in the center of the field, the visiting Team Captain will be given the privilege of calling the coin toss while the coin is in the air. The winner of the toss will be given his choice of defense, offense, designating the end of the field (side they will defend) at which the ball will be put in play.

The Equipment

1.       Each team must provide an NFL/College regulation sized football. The Referee shall be the sole judge as to whether all balls offered for play comply with these specifications. Each team is responsible for its own ball (keeping it dry during adverse weather conditions). There is no rule regarding the inflation, that is solely up to the team.

2.       T-Shirts will be provided in different colors for each team. All shirts must be tucked in. No article of clothing may cover any portion of a player's flag or belt (Flag Guarding). 

3.       The lower uniform may be shorts, warm-ups, pants or any other type of athletic wear. Pants/Shorts with belt loops, or pants/shorts with front, side or back pockets will not be allowed. If the player has pockets, loses the right to potential holding fouls.

4.       No metal cleats are allowed.

5.       Players may not wear jewelry of any kind. Players caught with jewelry are removed from the game until the jewelry is removed.

6.       No headgear with bill may be worn. Must be turned backwards.

7.       Flag Belts: All players on the field of play must wear approved "Triple Threat Flags" at the waist. The flags must be securely sewn to the belt and the entire belt must be able to be freely pulled off. 


1.       Touchdowns - 6 Points

2.       Extra Points

a.       The scoring team must declare prior to marking the ball ready for play whether they will go for 1 from the 5 or go for 2 from the 10-yard line. This is allowed by anyone on the field. Once the declaration is heard by the referee, it may not be changed. Scoring team may reconsider choice by calling a time-out or taking a Delay of Game Penalty (if no time-outs remain). If the team changes after a delay of game they will attempt the PAT from 5 yards back from the normal spot.

3.       Safety

a.       2 Points will be awarded along with possession, the offensive team will punt the ball to the defensive team for possession change. All players must remain still until the ball is physically kicked. This could result in penalties by other team.


Overtime does not occur during the season. At the end of the game, if the score is tied, it will remain a tie.

During the playoffs when the score is tied at the end of the second half, the Referee will instruct both teams to return to their respective sidelines.

1.       The same coin toss rules apply.

2.       Each team will be permitted one time out (30 seconds) during each extra period.

3.       The final score will be determined by totaling all points scored by each team during the regulation game and overtime period(s). All game rules will apply except:

4.       The ball shall be placed at the defenders 20-yard line to begin each overtime period.

5.       The line-to-gain will always be the goal line. No try-for-point will be made if the winner of the game has been determined.

6.       If B scores a safety or touchdown during A’s possession, the game is ended. If B gains possession and does not score, then A’s down and series ends immediately

7.       First down will only be awarded during a series if there is a penalty against the defensive team. Penalty must constitute an automatic first down.

8.       If A scores a touchdown, it is entitled to the opportunity to try-for-point, except when it is unnecessary to break a tie.

9.       After one (1) overtime period has been completed, both teams must attempt a two (2) point conversion after each touchdown during any subsequent overtime period.

Standings and Tie Breakers

Standings will be determined by the number of points. In the event of a tie, the following tie-breaking rules will be used.

1.       Points: Wins are worth 3, ties worth 1 point, losses 0 points.

2.       Head-to-head: If the teams met during the regular season, the team with the better record versus the other wins. If the teams did not meet, head-to-head shall be considered a tie.

3.       Win Percentage: The percentage of games that were won.

4.       Points Against: The team with the lowest number of points scored against them wins.

5.       Points For: The team with the highest number of points scored against opponents wins.

Mercy Rule

Should a team be trailing by 17 or more points at the 2-minute warning in the second half, the referees shall end the game immediately. There will be no exception to this Mercy rule.

Should a team be trailing by 35 or more points at any time in the second half, the losing team may elect to stop playing.

Additional Rules

A flag check is not required after a score but if suspected may be asked by the team. Note: If there is an obvious tying or knotting of the flag belts the score will be erased and a 15-yard penalty will be given. Player that committed is warned and/or ejected.

Inadvertent whistles. In the case of an inadvertent whistle the play will be replayed from the original line of scrimmage unless the whistle came after a reception or a turnover. If the reception occurred prior to an inadvertent whistle then the reception will stand and the ball will be placed where the ball carrier was when the inadvertent whistle occurred. If a turnover occurred prior to an inadvertent whistle then the turnover will stand and the ball will be placed where the ball carrier was when the inadvertent whistle occurred.

Any player whose flags fall off without a defensive player making an attempt to pull them off, will not be considered “down” and play will continue until touched with only 1 hand by the defense.

A towel may be worn to dry the ball. Note: The towel will count as a flag and a player wearing the towel will be considered down when the towel has been pulled.

Game Time

The game will begin with the offensive team taking the first snap from the 10-yard line. All subsequent drives after scores will begin from the 10-yard line. There are no kickoffs.

The length of the game is 40 minutes, divided into two halves of 20 minutes each. The game length will consist of (2) 20-minute halves with a continuous clock, except for the last 2 minutes of the second half. Except for timeouts.

Clock Regulation

1.       Clock will start when the referee is in place and thus allow the game to begin.

2.       After a team time-out, the clock will start at the snap of the ball.

3.       The on field Captain or quarterback may request the amount of time left in the game from the officials at any time. Officials will be expected to give the correct time.

4.       The clock will stop for team time-outs and/or official time-outs.

5.       Clock will automatically stop at the two-minute warning of the second half.

6.       The clock will stop

A.      Immediately after a touchdown

B.      Immediately after a point after attempt.

Inside of 2-Minutes

1.       During the final 2 minutes of the second half, traditional clock stoppage is used only when the ball carrier steps out of bounds, a change in ball possession, incomplete passes, a score is achieved, a point after and when there is a penalty.

2.       Clock will start on the snap.

3.       The clock will stop for team time-outs and official time-outs.

Half Time

There shall be an intermission of three (3) minutes after the first half. During halftime, all play is suspended, and the teams may leave the field.

Time Outs

Each team will have 2 time-outs per half. Time-outs will be 30 seconds. Any player that participated in the last play and is on the field of play may call time-outs.

The officials may call additional time-outs at their discretion to attend to an injured player.

If a team exceeds its time-out limit in either half they will receive a 5-yard penalty. Teams calling a timeout within the last 2 minutes that do not have a timeout and are losing will also receive a 30 second time penalty.


On 4th down, a team may elect to punt and must tell the referee at which time the referee will tell the defense so they can line up for a punt. The punting team must punt the ball from behind the line of scrimmage and have all other players on the line. The receiving team must have at least 4 players at the line of scrimmage and opposite the kicking team. There are no fake punts allowed. . No rushing the punter. A fumbled snap will result in the ball being placed at the spot it hit the ground.

(Note: If the offensive teams wishes to reset their decision, they may do so by calling a timeout)


After the official marks the ball "ready-for-play", the offense will have 25 seconds to put the ball in play or else be penalized 5 yards for a Delay of Game. It shall be the responsibility of the offensive team to retrieve its own ball and get it back to the huddle after each play.


Two or more offensive players may be shifting their position at the same time prior to the snap. Their movement may be in any direction but they must become set for one full count (1 second) before the ball is snapped or before another player may go in motion prior to the snap.


Only 1 player is allowed to be in motion and his movement must be parallel to or away from the Line of Scrimmage in a continuous motion at the snap or the whole offense must re-set.

Encroachment Offside

Encroachment Offside shall be called if either the offense or the defense passes over the plane of the line of scrimmage prior to the snap. A false movement of the football by the center shall constitute offensive encroachment. These are Dead Ball Fouls and the play shall be immediately whistled dead before play begins and 5 yards automatically marked off against the encroaching team unless a first down would occur (Offensive Captain's Choice). If declined by the offensive captain, the play will reset and the clock will stop until the following snap.

If a player on either side lines up offside, the official will point toward that player’s team side and say “neutral O or neutral D”. It is the player’s responsibility to look and listen to the referee. If that player does not get back on side before the ball is snapped, he will be considered as having been offside at the moment of the snap.

Offensive Formation

Offensive team must have at least 3 players on the line of scrimmage.

All players are eligible receivers.


During a legal block, defense and offense must initiate contact with open hands; arms extended outward. Open hands can be thrust forward initially to contact an opponent inside the body frame (chest area only). Hands cannot be thrust forward above the shoulders to contact an opponent on the neck, face, or head. As the play develops, a blocker is permitted to work for and maintain position on an opponent as long as he does not push from behind or clip. If a defensive lineman turns his back to the offensive linemen while in contact there will be no penalty for blocking in the back. Open hand blocking is allowed on all portions of the field and is not restricted to the line of scrimmage.

Players cannot engage in a block beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is in the air. If the ball is thrown and it is in the air behind the line of scrimmage then blocking is allowed.

Two on one blocking is permitted.

Defensive Formation

The Defense must initiate open-hands to the Offensive line in pursuit of getting to the quarterback and runner. Full rush is allowed by defense on every down.

Bump and Run

Contact is allowed within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage, after 5 yards is a 10-yard penalty.


There can be only one forward pass per play.

If the passer/runner is beyond the line of scrimmage and the football is released forward, an illegal Forward Pass has occurred; this will result in a 5-yard penalty from POS and loss of that (not an additional) down if accepted. Illegal forward passes will be marked from the point of infraction.

Once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage, in the air or in possession of a player, it cannot be passed forward, even if the ball is brought back behind the line of scrimmage.


The Quarterback is 100% protected on every play. There may be no contact made with the Quarterback at all. It is the responsibility of the defender to keep their hands down and go for the flag if they are close to the QB. Contact caused by the QB’s follow through is a penalty if the defenders hands are raised.

QB may not run past the line of scrimmage.

Center Snap

The ball must be snapped to the Quarterback between the centers legs and without touching the ground. If the ball touches the ground it shall be declared dead at the spot.

A false movement of the football by the center after he is set shall constitute encroachment.

Direct Snaps are Legal; but there must be a clear and immediate exchange of the ball between the center and the quarterback.

No center sneaks. The football must exchange hands.

Ball Carrier

The responsibility of avoiding contact rests with the ball carrier. He must show the officials he made an effort to avoid contact. The ball carrier will not deliberately run or drive into a defensive player. A ball carrier may spin but while spinning or jumping is in a "State of Non-Control" and should contact occur as a result of his uncontrolled momentum, he will be penalized. The ball carrier may jump over a player on the ground.

A player may not jump forward to advance the football. The only time it is legal for the runner to jump is to avoid contact with a player who has fallen on the field.

The ball carrier shall not protect his flags by blocking with his hand, arm, head or ball. The defensive player must have a clear opportunity to pull his flags.

On punt returns or interceptions any of the above will be marked off from the point of infraction and first down.

Diving and Jumping

Ball carriers may not dive or jump forward in an effort to gain extra yardage. Jumping is allowed to avoid contact with a player on the ground, however jumping into or on a defensive player is illegal.


Forward offensive fumbles will result in ball being marked dead at the point of fumble. Backward fumbles (including missed snaps or laterals) will be marked at point where ball hits the ground or goes out of bounds.

Rushing the QB

All attempts at rushing the QB must begin seven (7) yards behind the line of scrimmage on the defensive side of the ball. There is no minimum or maximum number of players that can rush the QB. The referee will provide the seven (7) yard marker for which the rusher must begin. Rusher can reset before rushing to avoid a penalty.

Pass Interference

Pass Interference Rules shall apply to any pass made from behind the line of scrimmage, whether it is a forward pass or a lateral pass, and applies to both offensive and defensive players. After the pass is in the air, neither pass receiver nor defender may touch the other until one of them touches the ball. If contact occurs after one of them touches the ball, then pass interference cannot be called unless one of them catches the ball and the other "strips" or attempts to "strip" the ball from his hands.

No intentional contact will be allowed. The same rules continue to apply even if the ball has been tipped.

All pass interference calls, whether offensive or defensive will be Captain's choice penalties. If the captain refuses the penalty, the play will stand.

Screening a receiver's eyes by a defender without playing the football is pass interference and shall be penalized as such.


Stripping the Ball

Attempting to take the ball from the grasp of a receiver after he has established possession is not allowed. If the player established possession of the football, the defender must go for the flag and not the ball. (Officials judgment will determine if a catch has taken place). 

Any contact that occurs after the pass is touched (excluding stripping the ball) must be judged by the officials as either unavoidable contact caused by both players playing the ball or avoidable contact, which shall be penalized. If judged to be flagrant, the penalized player may be removed from the game with an additional 15-yard penalty for un-sportsmanlike conduct. If the pass is judged to uncatchable, the penalty will be assessed from the line of scrimmage.


One foot must be "in-bounds" to constitute a legal pass reception (when controlled by the receiver).

The lines marking the sidelines and the extreme back of the end zone shall be considered out of bounds if stepped on any degree.

Two or more offensive receivers or defensive players may touch a pass in succession, resulting in a completion. After a pass is thrown, it is too much to expect of the officials to keep track of exactly who touched the ball. The official(s) will determine (1) did pass interference occur? (2) Who caught the ball? And (3) was receiver inbounds with one foot at moment of possession?

A double reception always goes to the offense.

A receiver is not allowed to go out of bounds willingly and enter back into the field of play. If he is the first to catch the ball, the play is considered dead. However, if he is not, he is legal for play.


Illegal De-flagging is prematurely pulling an opponent's flag when they don’t have the ball, with the intent of making the offensive player ineligible to become a ball carrier.

The ball carrier is down and the ball is dead when a flag is detached from the ball carrier's belt, the belt is broken, or when the ball touches the ground. A defensive player's feet may leave the ground to pull the offensive player's flag (from the side or behind only), but he may not make contact while doing so. When a defensive player pulls the ball carrier's flag/belt, he should stop and hold it above his head for officials to see.

The ball should be spotted at the point where the ball was, when the belt broke or flag was removed (does not matter where on the field the flag belt falls to the ground).

A ball carrier that falls to the ground inadvertently or touches a knee to the ground, is considered down and not allowed to get back up. A player will not be considered down when their hand touches the ground.

The intended receiver of either a forward or lateral pass may be de-flagged only after first touching the ball - even while fumbling or bobbling the ball and before possession is established. If the receiver has not gained possession of the ball when flag is pulled play will continue. Receiver can then be downed by single hand touching after gaining possession. In the event a receiver has not gained possession of the ball (bobbling) when flag is pulled and a defensive player intercepts the pass it will be defenses ball.

If the ball is in the hand of the Quarterback and flag is pulled, the passer shall be down at the spot.


Tackling is prohibited. If the defensive player reaches across the body of a ball carrier to pull his flag and contact is made, the responsibility of the contact lies with the defensive player. The penalty for tackling will be as follows: 10 yards for impeding (encircling of body); 15 yards for tackling from the point of infraction if further then 15 yards or from the line of scrimmage, also results in an automatic first down. If, in the opinion of the officials, the act prevented a score, the ball will spotted at the one yard line and a first down will be awarded. The offender will be ejected if the act was in the officials’ judgment to be flagrant.



1.       Wearing illegal equipment during a play

2.       Delay of game encroachment

3.       False start or illegal snap

4.       Impeding the rusher outside the line of scrimmage (6 Man only)

5.       Less than 3 players on scrimmage line on punts for defense

6.       Illegally handing the ball forward (and loss of down)

7.       Illegal Motion or Shift

8.       Illegal Snap

9.       Illegal Forward Pass (and loss of down)

10.    Illegal run (and loss of down)

11.    Illegally Assisting the Runner

12.    Illegal Rushing

13.    Mimicking the snapcount

14.    No flags worn


1.       Flag Guarding

2.       Illegal chuck/contact

3.       Illegal use of hands (includes Stiff Arms)

4.       Illegal De-flagging

5.       Illegal participation (no flags from the start of the play)

6.       Holding

7.       Sideline Violation

8.       Hurdling or illegal jumping

9.       Block beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is in the air

10.    2nd intentional encroachment in one game

11.    Offensive Pass Interference (from the line of scrimmage)

12.    Stripping the ball

13.    Touching / hitting the center before they have a chance to get their head up

14.    No Sleeper plays (“hide at the sideline” play)

15.    Tackling : encircling the body


1.       Blocking below the waist.

2.       Clipping

3.       Illegal contact above the shoulders (Hands to the face or neck)

4.       Hitting/jumping on an opponent that is on the ground

5.       Defensive Pass Interference

        -If you are within 15 yards of the endzone the ball will be placed on the 1 yard line- 

6.       Chop Block

7.       Swim move

8.       Rip move

9.       Roughing the Passer

10.    Intentional Contact

11.    Unnecessary Roughness (May also include ejection)

12.    Un-sportsmanlike Conduct (May also include ejection)

13.    Throwing a blow (Automatic ejection)

14.    Taunting or instigating foul play (May also include ejection)

15.    Trash Talk

16.    Tackling

17.    Diving (Offense may dive to catch a pass, defense may dive to remove a flag) No other form of diving is allowed. Tying or knotting flag belts.

18.    Tripping

19.    Tackling to the ground. From the point of infraction is further than 15 yards

Conduct of players and others

Whenever, in the judgment of an official, the following acts are deliberate or flagrant, the players involved shall be ejected from the game and possibly suspended from the league:

1.       Using fists, kicking or kneeing.

2.       Using locked hands, elbows or any part of the forearm or hand, except according to rule.

3.       Tackling the ball carrier as in regulation football.

4.       Fighting

5.       Flagrant Fouls

6.       Taunting

7.       Sideline players are subject to the same disqualification for abusive, obscene, or badgering language to either opposing players or officials. If the Captain or Coach of the penalized team cannot control the action of his players, the game can be forfeited at the discretion of the game officials

8.       Any verbal badgering of officials or derogatory language between opposing players after officials have asked once for Team Captains' control may result in player(s) involved in the action being disqualified and possibly suspended from the league.

A.     Warning

B.      15 yards penalty

C.      Ejection of player and potential 1 game suspension

D.     Forfeit of the game

All rules are enforced and interpreted by the referees. All calls and actions are under the referee's discretion and may not be argued. If a team or player wants an explanation, the referee may or may not offer one at the appropriate time. 

Monday, June 19, 2017 9:50:29 PM

Co-ed Flag Football Rules

The Game


1.    The game is played with either two 8 person teams or two 6 person teams depending on the league you have signed up for.

A.    In the 8v8 League each team needs to have 3 women on the field. A team must have a minimum of 2 women on the field of play to avoid a forfeit but must play down one player.

B.    In the 6v6 League each team needs to have 2 women on the field. A team must have 1 woman in the field of play to avoid forfeit but must play down one player.

2.    There will be 1-2 first down markers, depending on field size.

3.    The progress of the ball carrier stops when a defending player removes their flag belt.

4.    Belts must be sized to fit each player. The flag belts are triple-threat type, which require the entire belt to be removed. All players must have flags.

5.    There will be 2 halves of 20 minutes each, with a half time of 3 minutes

6.    The game-clock shall be running time except:

A.    Time-outs

B.    During the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half play will stop for incomplete passes, stepping out of bounds, turnovers, or change of possession.

                                      i.        If one team is leading by more than 17 points inside of the two minutes, the clock does not stop for the above items. However, if a team scores points to be inside the 17 point deficit, the rules above re-apply.

C.    Official Timeout which may include an equipment check, injury, or anything else deemed hazardous by the Referee.

7.    Each team will be allowed 3 timeouts per half. Each time out will last 30 seconds.

8.    A tie score is final except in the playoffs.

A.    During playoffs, a tie game is broken in the following manner:

                                      i.        The winner of a coin flip will have the option of starting on offense or defense. The ball will be put into play at the 20-yard line.

                                     ii.        Each team will have 4 downs to advance the ball past the goal line. Each team may choose to go for 1 or 2 points following a touchdown. This process is repeated until there is a winner.

                                    iii.        Teams switch who plays offense and who plays defense after both teams have had a possession and there is still a tie.

                                    iv.         All teams must go for a 2-point conversion if the game is tied after each team has had one possession.

9.    Substitutions are unlimited during the game. All substitutions must be made between plays.

10.  Scoring

A.    Touchdown = 6 points (Male); 9 Points (female)

B.    Extra points: 5 yards out = 1 point; 10 yards out = 2 points

C.    Safety = 2 points

D.    Forfeits = 21-0 win

11.  To start the game, a coin is tossed and the winner chooses one of the following privileges:

A.    Offense

B.    Defense

C.    Defers decision to the second half.

12.  Between halves the team with choice may elect to field preference.

13.  Play will begin from the offensive team’s 10-yard line at the beginning of the game and at half time. Subsequent drives following a touchdown will begin from the 10-yard line.

14.  A fumbled ball is dead, unless caught in the air by a trailing teammate (lateral). The ball is spotted at the spot of the fumble or where the ball hit the ground, whichever is less advantageous to the offensive team.

15.  There must be a minimum of 5 players on the offensive line to start a play. There is no limit to how many players are allowed inside the box.

16.  Offensively, everyone is eligible for a pass.

17.  Shirts must be tucked in and all flags must be the same type for each team.

18.  In the case of an inadvertent whistle the play will be replayed from the original line of scrimmage unless the whistle came after a reception or a turnover. If the reception occurred prior to an inadvertent whistle then the reception will stand and the ball will be placed where the ball carrier was when the whistle occurred. If a turnover occurred prior to an inadvertent whistle then the turnover will stand and the ball will be placed where the ball carrier was when the whistle occurred.

Players and Equipment

1.    Jerseys of the same color are required and will be provided by Twin Creeks. All shirts must be tucked in so that the entire flag belt is visible. Referees should inform players to tuck in shirts if they notice it before a play. If the ball carrier’s shirt is un-tucked, he waives his right to a potential holding call and therefore should not expect a foul. This does not apply if a defender pulls the shirt out of the shorts of the ball carrier.

2.    The official ball shall be of rubber/leather/synthetic construction and of high school size or larger for co-ed flag football. All teams are responsible for bringing their own regulation sized ball for competition. 

3.    Regular football equipment such as shoulder pads, kidney pads, and forearm pads are prohibited.

4.    No casts of any kind are permitted.

5.    All players must wear shoes. Cleats and turf shoes are allowed but must have no metal.

6.    The flag belt must be clipped in such a manner that it will come off with one pull. It is illegal to create loops and knots with the belt to make it more difficult to pull off. Any player in violation will be warned, penalized 5 yards and a loss of down, and will be ejected from the game on a 2nd offense.

**Referees will check the equipment of all players before and during the game. Teams or players have the right to ensure that all equipment is eligible for play and notify the refs of any illegal equipment**

Rules – Offense

1.    Downs: If the offense fails to advance the ball to the next zone in 4 downs, it shall lose possession of the ball at the spot where the ball is blown dead after the fourth down.

2.    To start any offensive play, the ball must be passed between the legs of the center to a teammate. If any portion of the ball touches or crosses the line, the next zone is played.

3.    Offensive players may move around before the snap. One player may be in motion moving parallel or backwards from the line of scrimmage, but may not be moving forward at all or it shall be a 5-yard penalty. This is considered a false start and down will be reset.

4.    There will be a 25-second time limit between plays. The clock starts as soon as the previous play is whistled dead. If this time is exceeded, the play will be stopped and a 5 yard penalty will be assessed. 

5.    No hideouts are permitted. That is, the offense cannot intentionally try to hide a player on the sidelines. Only 8 players may be in the huddle. A 5-yard penalty will be assessed otherwise. Substitutions can be made during a huddle if a player is going and a player is coming out of the huddle.

6.    On a fumbled snap, a handoff that is fumbled, or a lateral, once the ball hits the ground, it is immediately dead and put in play where the ball hits the ground. If the ball lands forward, the ball will be spotted where the ball handler initially lost control.

7.    No intentional move with the hands, elbows, or shoulders shall be made by the ball carrier to prevent the defender from removing his flag. All moves are considered flag guards.

8.    Any player whose flags fall off without a defensive player making an attempt to pull them off, will not be considered “down” and play will continue until touched.

9.    The ball carrier may not run into a defender in an effort to prevent his flag from being removed. Charging or the lowering of the shoulder is not permitted and will result in a penalty. The ball carrier is responsible or avoiding the defender by any means.

10.  The team that has the ball in play from the line of scrimmage may pitch a ball (backwards or parallel) to a player, who may then throw a forward pass. There may not be more than one legal forward pass during a down.

11.  Blocking is not permitted. Running if front of the ball carrier intentionally is considered to be a block.

12.  The ball is placed anywhere on the line of scrimmage.

13.  The quarterback may run at any time. This is only allowed for 8 vs 8 coed.

A.    If the line of scrimmage is between the 5 yard line and the goal line, a NO QB run zone will be designated. The QB receiving the direct snap from center is in- eligible to run. The option to run becomes available, if and if only, a handoff or lateral occurs in the backfield.

19.  The quarterback may run only on a pitch back or lateral pass in 6 vs 6 coed.

20.  Gender Play: At least once every 4 plays each team must target a pass to a female player that is beyond the line of scrimmage, hand off the ball to a female player for positive yards, or have the female player as the QB with a pass completion for positive yards. If after 3 plays you have not done so, a force gender play will be called. If any of the above scenarios fails, a loss of down will occur, and the next play will be from either the previous spot, or in the event of a run by a female player for a loss or sacking of a QB (male or female), the spot of his/her progress, and the gender play repeated. Completions or runs to or by male players by male QB will not count and a loss of down will occur and the forced gender play must be repeated.

Penalty Assessment on Gender Play

1.    If the foul is on the defensive team, the offense will have one of two options:

A.    Accept the penalty and repeat the gender play.

B.    Decline the penalty and the next play will be open.

2.    If the foul is on the offensive player, the penalty will be assessed and the next play will be a forced gender play unless declined by the defense.

Rules – Defense

1.    Defenders shall always have right of way to attempt to pull the ball carrier's flags.  They may wrap up the player if attempting to remove flags in the eyes of the officials. Excessive wrap could be considered a hold and will be penalized as such.

2.    It shall be illegal to dive at the ball carrier from the forward plane. Side to side diving is allowed as an attempt to pull the flags, along from the behind.

3.    Use of the defensive forearm shiver technique on the line is forbidden. The Center must be allowed to stand up right after the snap of the ball for a one count. This is under the no contact guidelines.

4.    Defensive players attempting to block a pass may not contact the passer, even if the ball has already been released.

5.    It shall be a 10-yard penalty to tackle, hack, straight-arm, trip, push, hold or rough another player. Defenders may not contact an offensive player with extended arms. Bump and run or Press defense on any offensive player is NOT permitted at any time, however, they may stand in their path to alter their route.

6.    Defensive players must line up within 1⁄2 yard from the spot of the ball. This zone shall be referred to as the neutral zone and an infraction shall be offsides.

7.    Defensive players may not return an extra point conversion. Play is considered dead.

8.    Defensive Players attempting to rush the QB must begin seven (7) yards behind the line of scrimmage on the defensive side of the ball. There is no limit to the number of players that can rush the QB. The referee will provide the seven (7) yard marker from which the rusher must begin.

A.    A second rusher may rush the QB from the line of scrimmage when the initial rusher has passed the line of scrimmage.

B.    If there is a handoff/option, all defensive players are allowed to pass the line of scrimmage.


1.    The following penalties are 5 yards unless stated:

                      I.        Offensive offsides-offensive players are lined up in front of the line of scrimmage-play is blown dead, and penalty assessed

                    II.        Defensive neutral zone infraction-player lined up in neutral zone-play is blown dead and penalty marked off

                   III.        Offensive Illegal shift-2 players moving at the same time in motion-play blown dead and penalty assessed

                   IV.        Calling a timeout when the team no longer has any timeouts remaining.

                    V.        Mimicking the snapcount.

2.    The following penalties are 10 yards unless stated:

                      I.        Offensive Holding

                    II.        Defensive Holding

                   III.        Offensive Pass Interference: Play results in 10 yard penalty from the Line of Scrimmage and Loss of Down.

                   IV.        Defensive Pass Interference: Play results in a 10 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage or, half the distance to the goal if within 10 yards of the goal line and result in a first down.

                    V.        A 2nd and any subsequent Intentional Defensive Encroachment penalties in one game.

                   VI.        Flag Guarding-from the spot of penalty, 10 yard penalty, loss of down

                 VII.        Illegal forward pass-from the line of scrimmage, 10 yard penalty, loss of down

                VIII.        Roughing the QB: 15 yard penalty, automatic first down

                   IX.        Intentional Grounding is permitted and not result in a penalty.

                    X.        Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Play results in 15 yard penalty, loss of down, and possible ejection. 2 ejections in 1 season will result in automatic disqualification from the season

                   XI.        Unnecessary Roughness: Play results in 15 yard penalty and either loss of down or automatic first down depending on who committed the penalty. It may also be combined with Unsportsmanlike Conduct if the official deems the play to be malicious. The player will automatically be ejected if this is the case.



Mercy Rule

If a team is trailing by 23 or more points at the 2-minute warning in the second half, the referees shall end the game immediately. There will be no exception to this Mercy rule. If a team is trailing by 45 or more points at any time in the second half, the losing team may elect to stop playing. Games may resume without refs unless the refs deem otherwise.



There is no punting allowed. On 4th down, a team may elect to give the ball to the opposing team on their own 10 yard line in lieu of punting.

Standings and Tie Breakers

Standings will be determined by the number of points. In the event of a tie, the following tie-breaking rules are used.

1.    Points: Wins are worth 3, ties worth 1 point, losses 0 points.

2.    Head-to-head: If the teams met during the regular season, the team with the better record versus the other wins. If the teams did not meet, head-to-head shall be considered a tie.

3.    Win Percentage: The percentage of games that were won.

4.    Points Against: The team with the lowest number of points scored against them wins.

5.    Points For: The team with the highest number of points scored against opponents wins.

The top 4 teams in each league will make the playoffs.



All rules are enforced and interpreted by the referees. All calls and actions are under the referee's discretion and may not be argued. If a team or player wants an explanation, the referee may or may not offer one at the appropriate time. No disrespect of the refs will occur at anytime; this includes before during or after the game. this may result in ejections and game suspensions.

Fighting and/or alterations may be subject to forfeits or suspension. This is strictly prohibited.


Picture of the Day