Late Summer Tuesday 7v7 Coed Soccer 2    (agosto de 2024)
Late Summer Tuesday 7v7 Coed Soccer 2 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
TBD 8611261319130.750
Ballers 8620321218200.750
Here 4 the Beer 8521401816220.625
DCI United 8422141514-10.500
Aguaholics 835016269-100.375
Barracuda 826010286-180.250
Shake and Bake 815214335-190.125
Cobra Kai 815217245-70.125
Late Summer Tuesday 7v7 Coed Soccer 2 Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mar-ago 13   Aguaholics 3 - (Forfeit) 0 Barracuda Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 13   DCI United 2 - 0 Ballers Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 13   Shake and Bake 2 - 1 Cobra Kai Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 13   TBD 5 - 3 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 20   Ballers 3 - 4 TBD Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-ago 20   Barracuda 3 - 0 Shake and Bake Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-ago 20   Aguaholics 1 - 2 DCI United Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-ago 20   Cobra Kai 4 - 4 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-ago 27   DCI United 1 - 1 TBD Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 27   Ballers 3 - 2 Cobra Kai Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 27   Barracuda 0 - 8 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-ago 27   Aguaholics 3 - 2 Shake and Bake Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 3   Shake and Bake 2 - 11 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 3   Aguaholics 1 - 7 TBD Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 3   Barracuda 0 - 5 Ballers Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 3   DCI United 2 - 1 Cobra Kai Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 10   DCI United 3 - (Forfeit) 0 Barracuda Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 10   Here 4 the Beer 5 - 1 Aguaholics Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 10   TBD 3 - 1 Cobra Kai Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 10   Shake and Bake 0 - 6 Ballers Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 17   Cobra Kai 2 - 1 Aguaholics Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 17   Shake and Bake 4 - 4 DCI United Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 17   Here 4 the Beer 1 - 5 Ballers Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 17   TBD 3 - (Forfeit) 0 Barracuda Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-sep 24   Here 4 the Beer 5 - 0 DCI United Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 24   Cobra Kai 3 - 6 Barracuda Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 24   TBD 2 - 1 Shake and Bake Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-sep 24   Ballers 7 - 3 Aguaholics Complete Field 2B Regular 
mar-oct 1   Cobra Kai 3 - 3 Shake and Bake Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-oct 1   Here 4 the Beer 3 - 1 TBD Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-oct 1   Barracuda 1 - 3 Aguaholics Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-oct 1   Ballers 3 - (Forfeit) 0 DCI United Complete Field 2A Regular 
mar-oct 8   TBD 3 - (Forfeit) 0 DCI United Complete Field 2B Postseason 
mar-oct 8   Ballers 3 - 4 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2B Postseason 
mar-oct 8   TBD 3 - 4 Here 4 the Beer Complete Field 2B Postseason-Champ 
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Co-Rec
Division: Tuesday
Sport: Outdoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 8/13/2024
End Date: 10/8/2024
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $1,100.00
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